Advice service drop-in sessions

Have a general question or query about processes and information you’ve seen on our website?

OPA is now holding Q & A sessions that you can join anytime between 1-2pm every Friday and have a question answered on the spot!

These forums will include other members of the public, and so we recommend keeping your questions vague. We cannot provide privacy or confidentiality as this is a public forum. It's important to not provide any identifiable information such as names or addresses.

Registration is not needed; just click on the zoom link to join on the day. However, if you would like a calendar invite, so you have it saved in your calendar, please email the Education & Engagement Officer. In your email, please specify the date in which you wish to attend.

Topics discussed include:

  • Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Advance Care directive/Advance care planning
  • Guardianship and Administration
  • Do I need to apply for guardianship/administration for when my child with a disability turns 18?
  • Medical treatment decision-making

Some examples of questions that could be answered at the drop in session are:

  • Who can witness my Power of Attorney?
  • Can I appoint more than one medical treatment decision maker?
  • My client has a Power of Attorney completed in 2007, what authority does that cover?
  • When is it appropriate to apply for guardianship?

IMPORTANT – Please adhere to privacy and confidentiality when logging on to these sessions!

For detailed advice on a particular matter please call our Advice Service on 1300 309 337 for a private chat.

Session details:

Every Friday – 1pm-2pm on zoom.

Zoom link is as follows:

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