2022 Annual Report tabled

OPA's 2022 Annual Report has been tabled in parliament

The report outlines OPA's work, highlighting achievements and practice improvements while also outlining the significant increase in suspected abuses in the disability care system that have been reported to OPA. 

In the 2021-22 financial year, The Public Advocate was guardian of last resort for 1976 Victorians, including 972 new guardianship clients. The largest cohort of people under guardianship changed from older people with dementia, to people with an intellectual disability, followed by people with mental health issues.

OPA conducted 457 investigations for VCAT and made 417 medical decisions for Victorians without capacity. OPA also conducted 180 education sessions to improve sector knowledge and understanding of the barriers faced by Victorians with disability. 

With the report, Dr Colleen Pearce, called on the government to ensure all Victorians were protected under the Charter of Human Rights, 'The Office of the Public Advocate stands ready to work with the Victorian and Australian governments and agencies to ensure all at-risk adults are supported and resourced to have the capabilities to lead a dignifying and flourishing life.'

Download OPA Annual Report 2021-22


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